Adding SkipTo.js to a Web Page

Why Use Page Script?


  • The "Skip To Content" button can be visible or hidden after the page completes loading.
  • If the "Skip To Content" button is hidden it becomes visible when it receives keyboard focus when the user uses the tab key.
  • When focus is on the button, users can open the menu using the space or down arrow key to view or select the landmarks and headings on the page.
  • In the landmark regions group the landmarks are ordered by the importance of the landmark, main first, followed by search, navigation, complemntary, and contentinfo.
  • In the heading group the headings are in document order.
  • Moving keyboard focus or hovering over menu items scrolls the assocaited area on the page into view.
  • The menu can be reopened at any time by using the short cut key, option + 0 on the macOS or alt + 0 on Windows and Linux.

What You Need To dDo

All you need are either skipto.js or skipto.min.js from the “/dist/” directory of this repository. The skipto.min.js script is a minified (a lighter version) of skipto.js script.

Note: There is no cost associated with using SkipTo.js, it is a free service to help make the web more accessible and usable to everyone, including people with disabilities.

CDN Service

The easiest way is to include a reference to skipto.min.js on your HTML page or template is through the CDN service, as follows: CDN service:

<script src=""></script>

NOTE: CDN referenced files may not be available to computers behind firewall protected networks.

Local File on Your Web Server

Copy the skipto.js or skipto.min.js to the file system of your web server and reference it from your web page or templates using a script tag, as follows:

<script src="https://[path to Javascript files]/skipto.min.js"></script>

Warning Messages

The following warning messages may be rendered to the console:

Message Action
Skipto is already loaded Additional SkipTo’s are ignored
No headings found in main Searches for headings anywhere on the page
No headings found on page SkipTo menu reports no headings on the page
No landmarks found on page SkipTo menu reports no landmarks on the page
Error in heading configuration Sets configuration to look for any h1 of h2 headings
Error in landmark configuration Sets configuration to look for main search and navigation landmarks
Unsuported or deprecated configuration option “abc” “abc” option is ignored and/or default setting is used

Feedback and Reporting Issues

We welcome your feedback! Please do not hesitate to raise issues and comment on Github if something doesn’t work or you have ideas on how to improve the script.

Happy skipping!